Move to the US!

インドから帰国して1年間、インドでの反省を活かして過ごしていました。 ご縁があり、アメリカで働くことが出来ることになりました。日本ー>インドー>日本ー>アメリカ。ここが最終地点か?それとも、インドに戻るかW?日本ー>インドー>日本ー>アメリカ…


いやぁ〜、素晴らしい経験でしたっ!! インドに行く前に、色々な方に手取り足取りアドバイスを頂きまして、この場を借りてお礼を言わせてください。 ”有難うございました!” さてさて、インドの生活についてですが、 インドの生活では、辛い事の方が多かっ…

Million Dollar Baby

I saw a movie "The Million Dollar Baby".ミリオンダラー・ベイビー [DVD]出版社/メーカー: ポニーキャニオン発売日: 2005/10/28メディア: DVD購入: 1人 クリック: 190回この商品を含むブログ (531件) を見る I didn't know about its story at all, i expe…

"thanks India" see you after 2 weeks

Now I'm thinking my future plan for a long time in several ways. After complete my 1 year contract, what i will do.My Blog remembers my thought.yesterday i read my blog written before i came to India. it says my expectation towards Indian …

English as the grobal lunguage

My Indian Colleague also sometimes refer the BBC English Learning website. he told me this journal. BBC World Service | Learning English | 10 year anniversary special-(…

90 percentage of Japanese are fool....?!

I should care for this kind of extrema opinion.but I wanna know what you feel and what opnion you have about this topic. one Indian had been in Japan for one project. then lately he came back here..we chatted with various things regarding …

things are not sure in India

I feel strongly in India, the words indian says are not sure. not true. not same.recently i bought a car (i published about that last journal.), then in advance i paid a part of amount (Rs:3,000) , then yesterday i went the car dealer offi…

Getting a car in India

Hey, do you know an excited happening?!i bought a car, tomorrow i will get it. the car dealer will deliver it to my, wonderful and finally i got a car. This is the website of my car model. (but it's really new compared with mine.…

Medical Check

Medical Check im gonna have today.a group of doctor is traveling the world places where japanese, tomorrow are time to chennai need to pay money. how rich japan is!i'm wondering im fatter..before came to chennai and …

Difference of Independence

Indian younger generation strongly feel they don't have much independence. They are eager to be Western people for a independence part (not whole things)young indian colleague and me discuss several topics lately.. One day he told me, "we …

kindness for anybody

Ah, bother me... lots of my desire bother desire is like wanna do..., wanna be..., wanna get.... also have those desires don't you?i think a strong desire makes our motivation improved.. while we are struggling to do so…


ooh, gosh...i got up at 5:30AM... today.. oh i have to describe what happened correctly... noise at the 2nd floor woke me up. I thought the sound was a part of dream,, unfortunately it's wrong... my god..what happened was there was a gospe…

no rain, no money...

no rain, no money... One of my colleague who is from villege side, told me yesterday, "when can I go to Japan? As soon as possible i want to go!!" he looked serious... yes, this conversation happens anytime. so i wasn't surprised anything,…

Spoken Language School... Japanese accent

Yesterday i earlier left the office, was boring. kill my time tried to see the spoken language class. teacher is a wife of my friend who i met for buying a secand hand car... yesterday, i called him not to buy a car, to see his wife's engl…

Welcome a new year 2007

feel happy to welcome a new year. I thank everybody to help and support me in 2006.I could do my best in 2007 also because family,friend,colleague kindly contact me frequently.year 2007, it might be challenging such as buying a car, finish…


You know here in Tamil Nadu, most of the restaurant are not allowd to sell an alcohol drink. if a few can sell, most of them can sell upto 10 or 11PM.only very few restaurant can sell whenever they if people hold a party, most of t…

The Hindu Journalist

yesterday, i made a friend in India.his business card says his own website i will be free, i call him to go for dinner!because i really like to watch a's really nice chance to sati…

beach running

i would like to show a beach photo to you all. this is where i always run on every weekends. "put photo on here" well, imagin local people are sitting just beside the waves. what they are doing is they do "No.2".. in those sh*ts, i was run…

first experience is the rainy season(wet season).

oh, it's terrible. most of this week, a raining continues. it looks like "tsuyu" in japanese word. but i feel here is more heavy than japan. the reason is savage system is not completed in here, so that lots of water remain on the road, it…

finally i will shift to new place....

hu-.. today, on Saturday I went to see a house whether i like to live or not. it looks.... not bad..actually indian standard house. for me, lower than japanese standard, but, here in India, shouldn't compare everything between them. just a…

indian is great

wow one of my wish is to feel good inspiration. actually lately, i feel a lots.because company japanese trainee learn japanese then they will be able to speak fluently in a half year. i thought it's easy. and everyone can do that.but i was…

are you sure to buy a second hand car...??

yeah, I'm planning to buy a second hand car. main reason is to avoid being affected by air pollution. and enjoy commuting to office and return back to my house. price range is really big, depends on types of car and company brand. "the che…

boring day

today, im doing nothing. just killing time till leaving here. today is the weekday people study or work all day. I can see the different face of Bangalore from weekend one. at 8 to 10, people commute office or school, then at 12 to 14 ever…

really nice friend in Bangalore

I could meet the person who works in Bangalore as a software engineer. every moment was really nice, he took us to popular place in here to make us happy. I can find many differences between Bangalore and Chennai. Firstly,richer people. th…

first visiting Bangalore

You know, from tomorrow to coming Tuesday I'll be in makes me excited, because it's the most famous, biggest software city in India.For me working in India as a software engineer, knowing its features, atmosphere is meaningful…

latest life updation

Recently, what i am doing is no use. nothing i done. the direction i am walking is changed many times. it's because my future plan is often changed. At first, I wanted to work in India, because of special work experience,language ability, …

these days what am I doing or thinking?

you know, in India, people are really kind. they rarely come to meet on time. transportation is like a hell. food is really taisty. office worker only think their own carrer. climate is awful especially to my country, liv…

heavy rain forces me to ....

If there is big gap between 2 people. Good lemedy is to try to view opposition's situation. Lets, view from opposition's side. #what can you see? #Is there something to solve conflict stuation? Yeah, you could find the resolution. or, Both…

Suddenly, Heavy rain came, it force me to browse internet..

Yes,now is in its situation. Many people are standing front of shops, waiting stopping it. It reminds me of my country's one. In my country, you can see same scene at the entrance of station building. While people is commuting to or from o…

the wished future should be opened by me

you know the meaning of this jurnal title. people sometime couldn't make their way whatever they want.. they might be forced to do what they don't wanna do... but in that situation, how do they think the solution?1.try to consider the best…