I wish I would be able to upload image data


Here in India, nobady can stand to live if dislike a bugs,animals,dirty sight&smell.

I got used to live with them.if you do, your indian life is gonna be nicer!
I see cow, black bird(forget a english word), dog, goat, horse.
and mosquito,fry.... every day.

they make a peaceful sight.
a bird is stopping on a cow's back
and a dog is lying and resting beside a cow under cow's shadow in early morning.
they are living cooperatively.
how wonderful they are.
Also human live being cloth to each other.

They try to share every resouse, food, house, privacy, money, happiness, sadness, marrigement, work, future in their family!!!

That touch my heart strongly!!
They teach me and show me many things I've never experienced.

I wanna show you some photos to experience the part of my experience.
But still use a internet cafe banded to upload image data.

please wait the day is coming I use own internet service at my house.