beach running

i would like to show a beach photo to you all.

this is where i always run on every weekends.

"put photo on here"

well, imagin local people are sitting just beside the waves. what they are doing is they do "No.2"..

in those sh*ts, i was running.

and it smells not good in there.
bad smell is come from center of chennai.
exaust gas, burning air,waist smell...

but just next moment, local child speaks to me with pure smile, "Hi!".
it always makes my feeling better, and makes my running speed faster.

so my life in India is mixed of good and bad moment.

but i feel, most of bad feeling is coming from bad environment.
most of good feeling is from people's attitude or smile or kindness.

so i can say,
in India,
people are really nice but environment is worse.

today's dinner i used my hand to pick up food like indian style. it's nothing special. because i have done since I came to Chennai.
